Laravel 3 : Move codes from document root directory
タグ: Laravel3
It is easy way to upload your web application made by Laravel3, just it put all directories/files on production server. It is easy to maintenance because it keep file structure as same as your development environment.
But if you uploaded many Laravel 3 applications on your production server, it become too busy to update cores for every application. Also every PHP codes on document root directories, when you use shard hosting.
So, I made a shell script to handle this situation. This script change directories/files structure from :
/home /yourhome /public_html <= Typical Document root of cPanel hosting ;) /site_a <= Virtual host ( Subdomain or Addon Domain of cPanel) /application /bundle /laravel /public /bundle /css /img /js index.php /storage artisan paths.php /site_b <= Virtual host /application /bundle /laravel /public /bundle /css /img /js index.php /storage artisan paths.php
to :
/home /yourhome /laravel_dir /laravel <= Laravel's core, it became to common for all sites. /sites /site_a <= codes and storage of virtual host A. /application /bundle /storage artisan paths.php /site_b <= codes and storage of virtual host A. /application /bundle /storage artisan paths.php /public_html /site_a <= Only remained public contents. /bundle /css /img /js index.php /site_b <= Only remained public contents. /bundle /css /img /js index.php
Of cause, automatically set directories' paths for your index.php and paths.php.
How to use
Type command like this:
laravel3-code-unite Your-Taget-Public-Directory-Name
For example, for above structures, do following commands :
laravel3-code-unite site_a laravel3-code-unite site_b
It is easy.
The shell code
Make a file 'laravel3-code-unite' ( or you favored name ) and put somewhere been set execution path.
Set execution permission ( chmod u+x laravel3-code-unite
Open it and set those codes :
# !/usr/bin/sh set -e # Please set your html document root publichtml=/home/Your-Home-Directory/public_html # Please set your directory to collect core/core files/directories codedir=/home/Your-Home-Directory/laravel-dirs laravelcore="${codedir}/laravel" sitesdir="${codedir}/sites" distdir="${sitesdir}/$1" targetdir="${publichtml}/$1" if [ $publichtml = '/home/Your-Home-Directory/public_html' ] then echo Error! Please open this script with a editor, and set your document root to 'publichtml'. exit 10 fi if [ $codedir = '/home/Your-Home-Directory/laravel-dirs' ] then echo Error! Please open this script with a editor, and set you directory that collect your codes to 'codedir'. fi if [ $# != 1 ] then echo echo Unite Laravel file structure into out of web document root. echo echo Usage: $0 Target-directory-name echo echo Note: Before first run this command, please set your directories to fit your host envrionments. echo exit 1 fi if [ ! -d $targetdir ] then echo Error! Target directory is not found. \($targetdir\) exit 2 fi if [ ! -f "${targetdir}/paths.php" ] then echo Error! Maybe already united. No paths.php in $targetdir exit 3 fi if [ ! -d $codedir ] then mkdir $codedir fi if [ ! -d $sitesdir ] then mkdir $sitesdir fi # move laravel root folder to united directory mv $targetdir $sitesdir # move back public folder to document root. mv "${distdir}/public" $targetdir # copy core folder if not exist in united directory. if [ ! -d $laravelcore ] then cp -fa "${distdir}/laravel/" $laravelcore echo Notice : Copied Laravel core direcotry to $laravelcore. fi # remove core folder rm -R "${distdir}/laravel" # replace paths.php path in index.php sed -i -e " s+../paths.php+${distdir}/paths.php+ " "${targetdir}/index.php" # replace public/sys path in paths.php sed -i -e " s+paths[ \n\r\f\t]*[[ \n\r\f\t]*'sys'[ \n\r\f\t]*][ \n\r\f\t]*=[ \n\r\f\t]*'laravel'+paths['sys'] = '${laravelcore}'+ s+paths[ \n\r\f\t]*[[ \n\r\f\t]*'public'[ \n\r\f\t]*][ \n\r\f\t]*=[ \n\r\f\t]*'public'+paths['public'] = '${targetdir}'+ " "${distdir}/paths.php" echo "Successfully completed." exit 0
Please modify two line before you execute this command. Set your full path of server for document root, and directory where unite your codes.
Set your virtual doc root again
By this command execution, no more 'public' directory on each site's root folder.
Maybe before, you set 'Site_A/public' for each virtual site setting ( in cPanel, you set this from Subdomain or Addon Domain items ).
Now you must set only 'Site_A' for it. Because no more 'public' on each site direcotoies anymore.
You must do this for working you production sites without test. You must do test first on your server.
Put new dummy Laravel environment on your server, and do for that dummy site. And check it properly work. Then do for your production site.
Of cause you must take backups for your site before execute command for your production sites.
No shell access? So ...
Obviously, if you don't have shell access permission ( most of case, it is SSH ) from you server manager, you can't use this command.
Don't worry. I had made another shell command for you.
Look this article.